Basically, Namibia, Botswana & Zimbabwe are fascinating travel destinations all year round. Find your preferred travel time during the different seasons here:



(December, January, February, March, April)

The chance of rain is high, with daytime temperatures above 34 degrees.

There can be local, heavy, but mostly short showers, often only in the afternoon and then the temperatures drop sharply for a short time.

Afterwards the air feels like it has been washed clean, there is a wonderful smell of rain and the sun is shining again.

Depending on the amount of rain, nature awakens and the landscape transforms.

The grass is growing and the bushes and trees are turning a delicate green.

Animals find puddles of water in the bush and are no longer solely dependent on water troughs provided.
The often very dense bush makes it more difficult to observe animals.



(May, June, July, August)

This is the perfect time to visit for wildlife viewing!

Now the wild and farm animals depend on the water sources provided and especially in the Etosha National Park you can see large herds quenching their thirst.

At midday temperatures usually reach 25 degrees, at night there can be frost, and early in the morning and late afternoon it is often cool at under 10 degrees Celsius.

Depending on whether the rainy season was plentiful or not, the now dry grass stands tall and the bush is green and dense.




(September, October, November)

Spring in Namibia! A number of bushes and trees are blooming and a beautiful variety of colors enchants the now very dry landscape.

Temperatures reach over 30 degrees and it gets significantly warmer at night.

However, it is often significantly cooler on Namibia’s coast than in the interior.

This is due to the very cold Benguela Current, which flows from south to north along our coast, and the often strong, cool south-westerly wind also blows here.

The moist air and the southwest wind ensure cool temperatures, often just 14 degrees or less. Warm, sunny days are rare here.
Please always remember to wear warm clothing!